In the US, today is Pi day. March 14, or as we write it with numbers 3.14. Happy Pi day everyone!
However, in Europe, they tend to write out dates starting with the day, then the month. So, today is 14.3 over there. No-where near Pi. Instead, the closest to Pi day in Europe would be 22/7 (July 22nd), where 22/7 is a common approximation of Pi.
Which is more accurate?
Testing both approximations is pretty easy with Wolfram Alpha. The error in the approximation is determined by taking the absolute value of the difference between Pi and the approximation. So, the following screen shows the result, asking if the error in the US version is greater than the European version of Pi day:

Comparing the US version of Pi day (3.14) to the European version (22/7) with Wolfram Alpha
Europe wins this time. 22/7 is a better approximation than 3.14.